In September 2024, during his trip to the United States, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi gifted a symbolic and finely detailed present to U.S. President Joe Biden. This present, an old silver train model intricately engraved, honors the era of steam locomotives and symbolizes the deep cultural and historical connections between India and the United States. Made by talented craftsmen from Maharashtra, this model is a perfect display of traditional Indian artistry. It features intricate engraving, repoussé, and filigree work, with inscriptions like “Delhi-Delaware” on the main carriage and “Indian Railways” on the engine, both in English and Hindi.
Significance of the Train Model
The present of the train model carries significant symbolic significance. Trains have been instrumental in the growth of both India and the U.S., acting as essential pathways for commerce and linkages. The era of steam locomotives, which this model represents, marked a pivotal time in the worldwide process of industrialization. By presenting this item, Modi emphasized the common history of advancement and creativity between the two countries. The model is crafted from 92.5% silver, displaying detailed features that demonstrate the skill of India’s metal craftsmen. The name “Delhi-Delaware” engraved on it symbolizes a link between India and the U.S., further accentuating the expanding collaboration between the two nations.
Return of Indian Antiquities
In the course of the visit, Prime Minister Modi also conveyed his appreciation to the U.S. administration for bringing back 297 ancient relics to India. These relics, which were illegally traded and ended up in global markets, are over 4,000 years old. Among the artifacts that were brought back are notable cultural treasures like a sandstone Apsara sculpture from the 10th century and a bronze Jain Tirthankar from the 15th century. Modi recognized the return of these relics as a meaningful act that enhanced the cultural connection between the two countries.